lunes, 12 de septiembre de 2011

Pastel y X Factor por Isabel de la Barrera

English version:
I stayed at Grandma Stef because it was the fourth anniversary of the death of her Grandfather.There I met some guys who were very kind, their names were Kevin and his Japanese wife, Haromi,who spoke English with Japanese accent and it made me laugh because I dind´t understand what she was saying at all.Later, I had my breakfast that it was delicious; sausages, eggs and cereal with milk. Then we went to Mass and we pried for her grandfather because it was his anniversary. When we finished, we went to the store and my Irish father bought a cake for dessert and ate a lot. It was very delicious!!! yummy yummy. Later we sat together and we watched the final of X factor. It was such a great day.

Spanish version:
Hoy Domingo me he quedado en casa de la abuela de Stef , porque era el cuarto aniversario de la muerte de su abuelo.Estuve con los tios que son muy simpaticos, se llaman Kevin y su mujer Haromi ,que es japonesa, y muy simpática.Cuando me levanté, desayuné (salchichas y leche con cereales) . Luego nos arreglamos y fuimos a  la misa por su abuelo, fue muy bonita. Cuando termino compramos una tarta para el postre y comimos muchisimo, estaba muy rica.Me lo pase genial, después tubimos que irnos en dirección a Cabeentily para ir a comprar unas cosas y descansar en casa, a si que llegamos y vimos x factor fue genial.